
Busting Three Common Myths of SUP Yoga

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SUP Yoga is making waves in the yoga world – but are you still hesitant to test the water? Sure you’ve heard all the fitness and meditation benefits of a class on the beautiful blue ocean… but isn’t it too challenging? Is it even a real yoga class? What about alignment onboard a floating yoga mat?

Get ready to grab yourself a board as we throw these three common myths about the practice out to sea!READ MORE

Incredible India!

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Journey

This March I attended the 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Santosha in incredible India. I went to the course with some sad circumstances, but the Team of Santosha was there for me I felt from day one until the last day… their support and love was like an ocean.


End of year message from Sunny

Oceans of Love from Santosha Yoga…

To all of those I have met, not met, loved, cried to and with, journeyed ardous times and joyous moments with – I want you to know that you have been a part of me peronally on some energetic level and ultimately you all form the essence of Santosha – for this I am truly, truly grateful for.


East Java (G’land) Surf/Yoga retreat


As I sit down to write this, it’s about 3 months since the East Java Retreat at Grajagan or ‘G-land’ as it is most commonly known amongst the surfing fraternity, and looking through the photos has been a beautiful trip down memory lane.READ MORE

We are Santosha Yoga…

Yoga retreats, surfing + yoga retreats, parent + teen adventure retreats, family yoga retreats, yoga + cooking retreats, yoga teacher training… and much more…

In a world that has become excessively busy and stressful, it’s difficult to find inner peace and contentment or see the true beauty in everyday life.

Our goal at Santosha (contentment) is to help you find that inner peace and contentment, to see the beauty, to appreciate every breath you take and live every moment to its fullest.READ MORE

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How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?