
Five Blissful Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Yoga teacher training bali 200 hour 2017
Yoga Nidra (Nidra = sleep) is a deep relaxation and meditation technique for body, mind and soul.

Although Yoga Nidra can be translated as “yogic sleep,” this practice is about more than having a good rest. You are guided through your body, identifying sensations and focusing on your breath while remaining in a state of relaxed awareness. This unique experience then enables you to release deeply held tensions, some of which you may not even be aware you had.

Yoga Nidra Benefits for Mental and Physical Health

In a world where we are constantly over-stimulated, over-worked and under rested, Yoga Nidra is a much needed opportunity to experience full body relaxation and enter a deep meditative state of consciousness and renewal. Practitioners emerge feeling rejuvenated, with a nervous system that has had a chance to unwind from daily pressures and the stresses of life.

Lying down with a Yoga Nidra recording for about 30 minutes on a regular basis will bring those five beautiful blissful experiences into your life…

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  1. Your life seems effortless

Do you ever wish that the things you desire from the bottom of your heart come into your life with ease? That obstacles would dissolve in front of your eyes?

Yoga Nidra gives you the trust and equanimity necessary to jump into the flow of your life. It helps you to understand and see more clearly the things you truly desire and to achieve them with effortlessness.

People who practice Yoga Nidra report that circumstances come into their lives that almost seem miraculous.

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2. Your relationships become more meaningful

Would it help your relationship if you would be more calm, flexible, open to other views?

Yoga Nidra is a tool to develop true calmness that permeates your whole being. If you relax deeply on a regular basis the waves of your mind will automatically become calm. As a result you have new possibilities to react to difficult situations.

Yoga Nidra practitioners report that they are sometimes surprised themselves about the positive feedback from people in their surroundings about their way of communicating and interacting.

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3. Your health increases

Are you interested in strengthening your immune system, fighting certain illnesses and increasing you general wellbeing?

With the help of Yoga Nidra you relax not only your body but also mind and soul. This brings the bodily systems (e.g. the endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, or nervous system) back into balance as well as all energetic systems (chakras and nadis).

Practitioners are affected significantly less by flu, headaches or insomnia.

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4. Your creativity unfolds

Are you sometimes longing for more inspiration and creativity in various fields of your life? Yoga Nidra will bring that certain spark to it. If you practice Yoga Nidra regularly you will experience your very own creative way of expressing yourself. You might not become a famous painter at once but you just have those creative ideas that make your day colourful, playful and spontaneous.

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5. You feel more connected

Are you a spiritual being? Are you looking for meaning and depth in your life?

Yoga Nidra is not only a deep relaxation practice but also a meditation technique. In the depth of the relaxation you will discover you true Self and feel the connectedness to your surroundings. Your family, colleagues, nature and of course divinity will become an integral deeply connected part of your life.

Do you want to teach Yoga Nidra responsibly with passion and joy? Join our online  or Bali Yoga Nidra teacher Training course:


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