
End of year message from Sunny…

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2015, what an incredible year, filled with so much movement that allowed growth, understanding and love.

To the beautiful spirits that embarked upon their new paths by studying incredibly hard for 24 days under the guidance of Santosha’s experienced, authentic teachers, thank you from the bottom of my heart, our heart to yours. Spiritual growth, allows and creates goodness in the world and this goodness can heal mother earth and all her inhabitants….

Oceans of Love from Sunny and the Santosha Yoga Team

To all of those I have met, not met, loved, cried to and with, journeyed ardous times and joyous moments with – I want you to know that you have been a part of me personally on some energetic level and ultimately you all form the essence of Santosha – for this I am truly, truly grateful.

Trust, trust, trust the process of the Universe. Allow yourself to know you are exactly where you should be with eyes wide open.

Do work for others without any expectation of reward. Do it today, cultivate this action so it fuses easily into your daily existence.

Stumble into beauty every day and recognize that it is YOU , you are all amazing, filled with such beauty and limitless potentiality for greatness to do good things in the world.

Be kind to yourself. If you are in a job which does not serve you, leave it… and seek a job which gives you happiness.

Change those things in your life you can change and let go of those things that you can not change.

Love all things, all people in your life, and seek experiences that all love to flow.

To all of Santosha’s teachers, staff, I am so grateful for your presence and dedication to support the students and thus the core of Santosha.

It is my hope and wish to the universe that all people live their lives with ease, are filled with the love that allows each of them to live their lives to the fullest, connect deeply to the love which lays within their souls, so they may all rise above and fly, fly.

May the universe support each of us, so that we can shine brightly to guide not only our own path, but guide others in the hours of darkness where love perhaps may be lost.

May the universe allow all people to be alive with awareness and be in each incredible moment of this odyssey we call “life”. Protect them at all times, connect them to each other and to our mother earth, let them know when they walk as one and alongside the Mother, they will always be exactly where they should be in that moment.

From Santosha’s collective heart to yours – may this time be of peace, happiness and joy and may 2016 bring you all you deserve, and may our hearts be open at all times.

Keep in mind, Santosha is a community, family and each of us here are available to all of you at any time you need in your life, all you need to do is ask x

May you be happy, May you be well and may you always be free from suffering.

Oceans of Love,
Sunny xxxx



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